Workshopseries “Riot!”

Fifth event in the Riots! Series:

Riots. Violence as Politics? International Conference

Time: 19-20 May 2017
Venue: Center for Technology and Society, TU Berlin, Hardenbergstraße 16-18

Friday, 19 May: Workshop (English)

FOR REGISTERED PARTICIPANTS ONLY. For registration, please contact

10 – 10.30 am – Welcome and round of introduction

10.30 – 12.00 am – Slot 1: Presentations followed by discussions
Rui Coelho (Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy): Forms-of-life as insurrectionary forces
Tareq Sydiq (Marburg University, Germany): Riots as spaces of collective identity and action in authoritarian contexts

12.00 – 1.15 pm – Lunch

1.15 – 2.45 pm – Slot 2: Presentations followed by discussions
Burak Usümkesici (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey): Noise in the Gezi Park protests
Paul Grassin (Sciences Politiques Paris, France): “Riot” and the process of labelling protest. Urban protest in Malawi

2.45 – 3.00 pm – Wrapping up the first part of the day, questions, etc.

3.00 – 3.30 pm – Coffee break

3.30 – 5.30 pm – Slot 3: Keynote and panel discussion with the authors of “Riots”, special issue of sub\urban journal for critical urban studies

Keynote: Marilena Simiti (University of Piraeus, Greece)


  • Marilena Simiti (University of Piraeus, Greece)
  • Dilan Köse (University of Bremen, Germany)
  • Moritz Rinn (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
  • Julika Mücke (University of Tübingen, Germany)
  • Katharina Warda (Free University Berlin, Germany)

5.30 – 6.00 pm – Wrapping up

After 6pm: Drinks on the roof terrace


Saturday, May 20: Public event

Alltäglicher Ausnahmezustand: Polizei, Gewalt und Politik in Frankreich / L’état d’urgence au quotidien : Police, violence et politique en France (Deutsch und Französisch / allemand et français, Simultanübersetzung / interprétation simultanée de lingua•trans•fair)

12-12.15 Uhr / 12-12.15h Einführung / Introduction

Philippe Greif (AK Riots / Uni Kassel)

12.15-14 Uhr / 12-14 h – Einführungsvortrag / Intervention

Bernard Schmidt (Aktivist, Journalist, Jurist / activiste, journaliste, juriste, Paris): Carte blanche à la police! Frankreich zwischen Ausnahmezustand, sozialem Massenprotest gegen die ,Loi Travail‘ und Polizeigewalt / La France entre l’état d’urgence, les protestations de masse contre la Loi Travail et la violence policière

14-15 Uhr / 14-15 h – Mittagessen / Déjeuner

15–18 Uhr / 15-18 h – Vorträge und Podiumsdiskussion / Interventions et débat publique: Proteste gegen Polizeigewalt in der Pariser Banlieue / Les protestes contre la violence policière dans la banlieue parisienne

  • Marwan Mohammed (Soziologe / sociologue, Centre Maurice Halbwachs, Paris)
  • Fatima Ouassak (Politologin / politologue, Autorin von / auteur de „Discriminations Classe/Genre/Race“ (2015), Koordinatorin des Netzwerks / coordinatrice du réseau „Classe/Genre/Race“, Bagnolet, Département Seine-Saint-Denis)
  • Almamy Kanouté (Militanter Aktivist / activiste-militant, Mitbegründer der Bewegegung / co-fondateur du mouvement „Émergence“, Fresnes, Département Valde-Marne)
  • Fabien Jobard (Politikwissenschaftler / politologue, Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin)

Cooperation partners / partenaires

Funded by / financée par

Photo: Erwan Corre (cc)

Programs of precursor workshops in the Riots Series: Anarchism and Technê (12 June 2015) Riots and Anarchy (28 November 2014) Riots! II (28 February 2014) | Riots! I (13 December 2013)

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