The newly established working group „Movements and Intsitutions“ will hold their first Kick-Off-Meeting hosted by the Center for Metropolitan Studies (CMS) Berlin on the 26 Februrary 2016.
Thanks to the support of the CMS, the meeting will be opened by a public lecture by Dr. Nadine Godehardt, German Institute for International and Security Affairs / Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik/ (Deputy Head of Research Division – Asia) about „#OccupyHongKong 2014: Discussing urban spaces, protests and international politics“.

The Umbrella-Revolution in Hong Kong in 2014 together with other civic uprisings worldwide raised anew attention to spatial and urban perspectives on politics. In a globalized and digitalized world, protesters communicate not only with local and national actors, but also with other social movements and international organizations. By using innovative and interdisciplinary concepts, Nadine Godehardt together with AEDES organized a series of debates about the political meaning of urban spaces and the possibilities of visual methods to gain new perspectives (see the AEDES Website). Based on the results, she will discuss how to bridge the theoretical distinction between institutionalized, international and everday politics.
After the Keynote, everyone is invited to join the informal Kick-off-Meeting of the newly founded working group „Movements & Institutions“, starting at 7 p.m.. More information about the working group can be found on its webpage (in German).