ipb Jahrestagung 2024: Current Developments in the Field of Protest and Social Movement Studies

Call for Papers – deadline 15 June 2024

Contemporary Societies are marked by multiple crises – as local, as global. Whether we are thinking of the global corona-pandemic, environmental destruction all around the planet, the climate change with all it hot-spots around the world, similarly in Asia, east Africa or Europe. Political eruptions how we see it for example in Afghanistan, Iran/Iraq, or America. Furthermore there is the so called global uprising of the so-called right-wing, right-wing-populism, the far- or alt-right or right-wing-extremism in Germany, Europe and global. All this crises and conflicts unites that they are part of (mass) protest or social movements or accompanied by social protest and social movements. Characteristic for all this different local and global social movements and protest is, that it is shaped by social and cultural inequality as well as by different social stratifications and social dislocation. All this conflicts and crises have different impact on our current societies as well as protest and social movements, local and global. Against this background we would invite you warmly to apply to our annual conference in 2024. We would love to use the chance to get together, debate different perspectives on conflicts and crises, make things a bit more clearly and interconnect ideas, thoughts, projects, perspectives. The conference topic will be „current developments in the field of protest and social movement studies“. We would love to discuss empirical projects as well as theoretical framework that shape the field of protest and social movement studies. Your projects and thoughts could debate social-structural perspectives of left and right-wing protest and social movements, (anti-)gender-movements, (european) social politics and climate movements, protest in Iran or against repressive regimes at all.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is 15 June 2024. The suggestions (250 words, 5 keywords, as a PDF file) should contain a title and an email contact as well as, if necessary, suggestions and needs to lower the hurdles to participation in the event and sent to info[at]protestinstitut.eu

Deadline 15 June 2024

If you would like to download the call for papers as a pdf file, please click here.


Date And Time

04.10.2024 12:00 to
04.10.2024 18:00




Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften